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Generate bipartite graphs using the Erdős-Rényi model


  type = c("gnp", "gnm"),
  directed = FALSE,
  mode = c("out", "in", "all")




Integer scalar, the number of bottom vertices.


Integer scalar, the number of top vertices.


Character scalar, the type of the graph, ‘gnp’ creates a \(G(n,p)\) graph, ‘gnm’ creates a \(G(n,m)\) graph. See details below.


Real scalar, connection probability for \(G(n,p)\) graphs. Should not be given for \(G(n,m)\) graphs.


Integer scalar, the number of edges for \(G(n,m)\) graphs. Should not be given for \(G(n,p)\) graphs.


Logical scalar, whether to create a directed graph. See also the mode argument.


Character scalar, specifies how to direct the edges in directed graphs. If it is ‘out’, then directed edges point from bottom vertices to top vertices. If it is ‘in’, edges point from top vertices to bottom vertices. ‘out’ and ‘in’ do not generate mutual edges. If this argument is ‘all’, then each edge direction is considered independently and mutual edges might be generated. This argument is ignored for undirected graphs.


Passed to sample_bipartite().


A bipartite igraph graph.


Similarly to unipartite (one-mode) networks, we can define the \(G(n,p)\), and \(G(n,m)\) graph classes for bipartite graphs, via their generating process. In \(G(n,p)\) every possible edge between top and bottom vertices is realized with probability \(p\), independently of the rest of the edges. In \(G(n,m)\), we uniformly choose \(m\) edges to realize.


Gabor Csardi


## empty graph
sample_bipartite(10, 5, p = 0)
#> IGRAPH 74b71c9 U--B 15 0 -- Bipartite Gnp random graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), p (g/n), type (v/l)
#> + edges from 74b71c9:

## full graph
sample_bipartite(10, 5, p = 1)
#> IGRAPH 9e6300d U--B 15 50 -- Bipartite Gnp random graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), p (g/n), type (v/l)
#> + edges from 9e6300d:
#>  [1]  1--11  1--12  1--13  1--14  1--15  2--11  2--12  2--13  2--14  2--15
#> [11]  3--11  3--12  3--13  3--14  3--15  4--11  4--12  4--13  4--14  4--15
#> [21]  5--11  5--12  5--13  5--14  5--15  6--11  6--12  6--13  6--14  6--15
#> [31]  7--11  7--12  7--13  7--14  7--15  8--11  8--12  8--13  8--14  8--15
#> [41]  9--11  9--12  9--13  9--14  9--15 10--11 10--12 10--13 10--14 10--15

## random bipartite graph
sample_bipartite(10, 5, p = .1)
#> IGRAPH cf48996 U--B 15 6 -- Bipartite Gnp random graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), p (g/n), type (v/l)
#> + edges from cf48996:
#> [1] 7--12 5--13 2--15 4--15 6--15 8--15

## directed bipartite graph, G(n,m)
sample_bipartite(10, 5, type = "Gnm", m = 20, directed = TRUE, mode = "all")
#> IGRAPH eac3ad8 D--B 15 20 -- Bipartite Gnm random graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), m (g/n), type (v/l)
#> + edges from eac3ad8:
#>  [1]  2->11  8->11 10->11  1->12  7->12  4->13  7->13  6->14  4->15 10->15
#> [11] 15-> 1 12-> 2 13-> 2 15-> 2 11-> 3 12-> 3 13-> 4 15-> 6 12-> 7 15->10