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A vertex set is called independent if there no edges between any two vertices in it. These functions find independent vertex sets in undirected graphs


ivs(graph, min = NULL, max = NULL)







The input graph, directed graphs are considered as undirected, loop edges and multiple edges are ignored.


Numeric constant, limit for the minimum size of the independent vertex sets to find. NULL means no limit.


Numeric constant, limit for the maximum size of the independent vertex sets to find. NULL means no limit.


ivs(), largest_ivs() and max_ivs() return a list containing numeric vertex ids, each list element is an independent vertex set.

ivs_size() returns an integer constant.


ivs() finds all independent vertex sets in the network, obeying the size limitations given in the min and max arguments.

largest_ivs() finds the largest independent vertex sets in the graph. An independent vertex set is largest if there is no independent vertex set with more vertices.

max_ivs() finds the maximal independent vertex sets in the graph. An independent vertex set is maximal if it cannot be extended to a larger independent vertex set. The largest independent vertex sets are maximal, but the opposite is not always true.

ivs_size() calculate the size of the largest independent vertex set(s).

independence_number() is an alias for ivs_size().

These functions use the algorithm described by Tsukiyama et al., see reference below.


S. Tsukiyama, M. Ide, H. Ariyoshi and I. Shirawaka. A new algorithm for generating all the maximal independent sets. SIAM J Computing, 6:505–517, 1977.

See also

Other cliques: cliques(), weighted_cliques()


Tamas Nepusz ported it from the Very Nauty Graph Library by Keith Briggs ( and Gabor Csardi wrote the R interface and this manual page.


# Do not run, takes a couple of seconds

# A quite dense graph
g <- sample_gnp(100, 0.9)
#> [1] 4
ivs(g, min = ivs_size(g))
#> [[1]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  7 37 55 56
#> [[2]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  7 55 56 69
#> [[3]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  7 56 69 74
#> [[4]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  8 15 73 80
#> [[5]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  8 15 73 84
#> [[6]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1] 13 16 37 40
#> [[7]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1] 21 32 45 61
#> [[8]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1] 22 55 56 64
#> [[9]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1] 23 69 75 90
#> [[1]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1] 21 32 45 61
#> [[2]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  7 37 55 56
#> [[3]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  7 55 56 69
#> [[4]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  7 56 69 74
#> [[5]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  8 15 73 80
#> [[6]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1]  8 15 73 84
#> [[7]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1] 22 55 56 64
#> [[8]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1] 23 69 75 90
#> [[9]]
#> + 4/100 vertices, from 74cbc78:
#> [1] 13 16 37 40
# Empty graph
induced_subgraph(g, largest_ivs(g)[[1]])
#> IGRAPH cf3a858 U--- 4 0 -- Erdos-Renyi (gnp) graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), type (g/c), loops (g/l), p (g/n)
#> + edges from cf3a858:

#> [1] 326