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Constructor modifier to drop multiple edges



See also

Constructor modifiers (and related functions) make_(), sample_(), simplified(), with_edge_(), with_graph_(), with_vertex_(), without_attr(), without_loops()


sample_(pa(10, m = 3, algorithm = "bag"))
#> IGRAPH d3cc4ea D--- 10 27 -- Barabasi graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), power (g/n), m (g/n), zero.appeal (g/n), algorithm
#> | (g/c)
#> + edges from d3cc4ea:
#>  [1]  2->1  2->1  2->1  3->2  3->2  3->1  4->1  4->3  4->1  5->3  5->1  5->3
#> [13]  6->1  6->3  6->1  7->1  7->3  7->3  8->1  8->1  8->3  9->1  9->3  9->1
#> [25] 10->1 10->1 10->2
sample_(pa(10, m = 3, algorithm = "bag"), without_multiples())
#> IGRAPH 66fe834 D--- 10 16 -- Barabasi graph
#> + attr: name (g/c), power (g/n), m (g/n), zero.appeal (g/n), algorithm
#> | (g/c)
#> + edges from 66fe834:
#>  [1]  2->1  3->1  4->1  4->2  4->3  5->1  5->2  6->3  7->1  7->3  8->1  8->6
#> [13]  9->1  9->2  9->8 10->1