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graph.adjlist() was renamed to graph_from_adj_list() to create a more consistent API.


graph.adjlist(adjlist, mode = c("out", "in", "all", "total"), duplicate = TRUE)



The adjacency list. It should be consistent, i.e. the maximum throughout all vectors in the list must be less than the number of vectors (=the number of vertices in the graph).


Character scalar, it specifies whether the graph to create is undirected (‘all’ or ‘total’) or directed; and in the latter case, whether it contains the outgoing (‘out’) or the incoming (‘in’) neighbors of the vertices.


Logical scalar. For undirected graphs it gives whether edges are included in the list twice. E.g. if it is TRUE then for an undirected {A,B} edge graph_from_adj_list() expects A included in the neighbors of B and B to be included in the neighbors of A.

This argument is ignored if mode is out or in.