Find Bonacich alpha centrality scores of network positions
was renamed to alpha_centrality()
to create a more
consistent API.
nodes = V(graph),
alpha = 1,
loops = FALSE,
exo = 1,
weights = NULL,
tol = 1e-07,
sparse = TRUE
- graph
The input graph, can be directed or undirected. In undirected graphs, edges are treated as if they were reciprocal directed ones.
- nodes
Vertex sequence, the vertices for which the alpha centrality values are returned. (For technical reasons they will be calculated for all vertices, anyway.)
- alpha
Parameter specifying the relative importance of endogenous versus exogenous factors in the determination of centrality. See details below.
- loops
Whether to eliminate loop edges from the graph before the calculation.
- exo
The exogenous factors, in most cases this is either a constant – the same factor for every node, or a vector giving the factor for every vertex. Note that too long vectors will be truncated and too short vectors will be replicated to match the number of vertices.
- weights
A character scalar that gives the name of the edge attribute to use in the adjacency matrix. If it is
, then the ‘weight’ edge attribute of the graph is used, if there is one. Otherwise, or if it isNA
, then the calculation uses the standard adjacency matrix.- tol
Tolerance for near-singularities during matrix inversion, see
.- sparse
Logical scalar, whether to use sparse matrices for the calculation. The ‘Matrix’ package is required for sparse matrix support