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Source: inst/CITATION

Csardi G, Nepusz T (2006). “The igraph software package for complex network research.” InterJournal, Complex Systems, 1695.

  title = {The igraph software package for complex network research},
  author = {Gabor Csardi and Tamas Nepusz},
  journal = {InterJournal},
  volume = {Complex Systems},
  pages = {1695},
  year = {2006},
  url = {},

Csárdi G, Nepusz T, Traag V, Horvát Sz, Zanini F, Noom D, Müller K (2024). _igraph: Network Analysis and Visualization in R_. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7682609 <>, R package version, <>.

  title = {{igraph}: Network Analysis and Visualization in R},
  author = {Gábor Csárdi and Tamás Nepusz and Vincent Traag and Szabolcs Horvát and Fabio Zanini and Daniel Noom and Kirill Müller},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7682609},
  url = {},

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igraph authors, in alphabetical order:

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Patrick R. Amestoy	AMD library

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Adelchi Azzalini	igraph.options based on the sm package

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Tamas Badics		GLPK

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Gregory Benison		Minimum cut calculation

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Adrian Bowman		igraph.options based on the sm package

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Walter Böhm		LSAP

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Keith Briggs		Parts from the Very Nauty Graph Library

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      			Geometric random graphs

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      			Various patches and bug fixes

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Jeroen Bruggeman	spinglass community detection

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       			Burt's constraints

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Juergen Buchmueller	Big number math implementation

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Carter T. Butts		Some layout algorithms from the SNA R package

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       	  		bonpow function in the SNA R package

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			Some R manual pages, from the SNA R package

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Aaron Clauset		Hierarchical random graphs

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J.T. Conklin		logbl function

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Topher Cooper		GSL random number generators (not used in R)

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Gabor Csardi		Most of igraph

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Trevor Croft		simpleraytracer

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Peter DalGaard		zeroin root finder

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Timothy A Davis		CXSPARSE: a Concise Sparse Matrix package - Extended

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	  		AMD library

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	  		Sparse matrix column ordering

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Laurent Deniau		Bits of the error handling system

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Ulrich Drepper		logbl function

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Iain S. Duff		AMD library

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S.I. Feldman		f2c

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David Firth		Display data frame in Tk, from relimp package

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P. Foggia		VF2 graph isomorphism algorithm

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John Fox		R: suppressing X11 warnings

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Alan George   		GLPK

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John Gilbert		Sparse matrix column ordering

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D.Goldfarb		GLPK

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Brian Gough		GSL random number generators (not used in R)

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Tom Gregorovic		Multilevel community detection

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M.Grigoriadis		GLPK

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Oscar Gustafsson	GLPK

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Kurt Hornik		LSAP

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Szabolcs Horvat		igraph C core library

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Paul Hsieh		pstdint.h

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Ross Ihaka		Some random number generators (not used in R)

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Tommi Junttila		BLISS graph isomorphism library

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Petteri Kaski		BLISS graph isomorphism library

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Oleg Keselyov		zeroin root finder

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Darwin Klingman		GLPK

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Donald E. Knuth		GLPK

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Stefan I. Larimore	Sparse matrix column ordering

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Yusin Lee 		GLPK

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Richard Lehoucq		ARPACK

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Rene Locher		R arrow drawing function, from IDPmisc package

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J.C. Nash		BFGS optimizer

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Joseph W-H Liu		GLPK

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Makoto Matsumoto	GSL random number generators (not used in R)

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Vincent Matossian	Graph laplacian

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			Line graphs

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Peter McMahan		Cohesive blocking

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Andrew Makhorin		GLPK

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David Morton de Lachapelle	Spectral coarse graining

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Laurence Muller		Fixes for compilation on MS Visual Studio

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Fionn Murtagh		Order a hierarchical clustering

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Emmanuel Navarro	infomap community detection

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	 		Various fixes and patches

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Tamas Nepusz		Most of igraph

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Esmond Ng 		Sparse matrix column ordering

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Kevin O'Neill		Maximal independent vertex sets

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Takuji Nishimura	GSL random number generators (not used in R)

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Daniel Noom		igraph C core library

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Jim Orlin		GLPK

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Patric Ostergard	GLPK

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Elliot Paquette		psumtree data type

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Pascal Pons		walktrap community detection

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Joerg Reichardt		spinglass community detection

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Marc Rieffel		GSL random number generators (not used in R)

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B.D. Ripley		igraph.options based on the sm package

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     			BFGS optimizer

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			Various bug fixes

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Martin Rosvall		infomap community detection

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Andreas Ruckstuhl	R arrow drawing function, from IDPmisc package

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Heinrich Schuchardt	GLPK

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J.K. Reid 		GLPK

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C. Sansone		VF2 graph isomorphism algorithm

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Michael Schmuhl		The graphopt layout generator

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Christine Solnon	LAD graph isomorphism library

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Danny Sorensen		ARPACK

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James Theiler		GSL random number generators (not used in R)

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Samuel Thiriot		Interconnected islands graph generator

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Vincent A. Traag	igraph C core library

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Magnus Torfason		R operators that work by name

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Theodore Y. Ts'o        libuuid

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Minh Van Nguyen		Microscopic update rules

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     	 		Various test cases

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     	 		Many documentation and other fixes

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M. Vento		VF2 graph isomorphism algorithm

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Fabien Viger		gengraph graph generator

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Phuong Vu		ARPACK

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P.J. Weinberger		f2c

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Hadley Wickham          lazyeval

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Garrett A. Wollman	qsort

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B.N. Wylie 		DrL layout generator

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Chao Yang		ARPACK

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Fabio Zanini		igraph C core library

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Institutional copyright owners:

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Free Software Foundation, Inc	Code generated by bison

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Sandia Corporation	  	DrL layout generator

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The R Development Core Team 	Some random number generators (not used in R)

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      		       		R: as.dendrogram from stats package

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The Regents of the University of California	qsort

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Xerox PARC		      	Sparse matrix column ordering

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R Studio                        lazyeval

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Other contributors

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Neal Becker		Patches to compile with gcc 4.4

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Richard Bowman		R patches

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Alex Chen		Patch to compile on Intel compilers

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Daniel Cordeiro 	Patches

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Tom Gregorovic		Bug fixes

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Mayank Lahiri		Forest fire game fix

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John Lapeyre 		Patches

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Christopher Lu		Various fixes and patches

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André Panisson		R patches

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Bob Pap 		Bug fixes

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Keith Ponting		R package bug fixes

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Martin J Reed		Bug fixes

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Elena Tea Russo		Bug fixes

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KennyTM			Bug fixes

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Jordi Torrents		Patches

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Matthew Walker		Various patches

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Kai Willadsen		Arrow size support in Python